TOP 5 Best Electric Scooters Approved by the DGT in Spain.Which is the most powerful? And the most innovative?
We have analyzed all the electric scooters that comply with the new regulations for VMP (personal mobility vehicles) in Spain, and have the circulation certificate. And, after an exhaustive comparison of all the models approved in 2024, we present below the Top 5 with the best of the best in urban micro-mobility. If you continue reading You will discover scooters that have a plus powerover the sector average, and a plus quality. And of course, our TOP 5 could not miss the new releases of the year, e-scooters with an attractive and innovative design.
We recommend that you buy them on Amazon (if you click on you can do it easily with the links), because in terms of product guarantee it has no rival. As long as it is within the 3 years of legal warranty in Spain, if the scooter has a fault you can claim the warranty. Otherwise, if you buy them from the brand, or from other stores, they will always ask you to cover them depending on what errors you make, and especially when a certain amount of time passes: among other things, they will tell you that if it didn't come from the factory, they won't cover it ( something that you can never prove).

Which scooter to buy? How does the new law affect the supply of e-scooters available in the national market (Spain)?
Choosing a good electric scooter has never been an easy task, since there are thousands of "apparently" different models on the market, but 90% of them have a standard of quality to say the least "improveable", and the same model is sold under different brands. They are low-end vehicles (entry range), decorated by marketing to simulate a higher category, and thus inflate their price. But you would be very surprised if you know its acquisition cost (factory price), and the quality of the materials used.
After the entry into force in 2024 of the new regulations for VMP (personal mobility vehicles), the terrain is much more limited, since the number of models that are currently approved is very low.
So, in addition to having to be approved, how does the entry into force of the circulation certificate affect us? Well, in several ways, such as ALL scooters that exceed 1,000W of nominal power are outside the law. Just like the Most premium brands (Dualtron, Nanrobot, Kaabo, Nami, Vsett, etc.) are also left outbecause they have not approved any of their e-scooters in Spain. So, for those of us who like quality, and are committed to having mid/high-range and premium-range e-scooters, they make it increasingly difficult for us.
Translated into the language of e-scooters: today it is easy to acquire a "Dacia" Approved by the DGT, but impossible to acquire an authentic "Mercedes". And also very complicated to locate a good "Volkswagen".
But not everything is negative. In this comparative analysis, we have done very exhaustive research to offer you a selection of electric scooters that, in addition to being approved, have a level of quality above average.
All the scooters in the ranking will offer you anominal powerof between 350W and 1000W. We have ruled out the 250W ones because they do not have the strength to climb any "medium inclined" slope, nor sufficient acceleration to be able to maneuver safely when required. The maximum legal power in Spain is 1000W nominal power, so from the outset the best scooters must have a power that is close to that limit. Regarding range / battery capacity, we filter that they are scooters capable of having a "real" range of at least 30 km. And this depends on the battery capacity. This is expressed in Ah (ampere hours), or mAh (milliampere hours).
Finally, to prepare the ranking, we also take into account other factors that affect the overall quality of the scooter, such as the suspensions, the braking system, the construction material, and the " extras" (turn signals, app, etc.) that they can offer us.
When Technology Makes a Difference
The brand new Segway Ninebot G2 Max is the Highest Quality Electric Scooter in our TOP 5. And it's not just us saying it, it has been awarded by the prestigious German certification company TÜV Rheinland with the awards: "Range At Max. Speed" and "Quality-Mark".
- The Best in the Autonomy / Battery section. Up to 70 km of range! Thanks to the new 15.3 Ah battery (15,300 mAh, and also new RideyLONG technology,which is capable of offering more range than another scooter with a battery of equal capacity.
- New, and Very Powerful, Engine.Located on the rear wheel (rear-wheel drive) to offer a sportier drive, Supera has 450W Nominal Power, and 900W of Maximum Power that place it at the top. It also exceeds the power of the previous model (Max G30) by 28%.
- The Best in the Suspensions Section,thanks to its new Suspension System: hydraulic suspension on the front wheel (just like premium e-scooters) and double spring in the back.
- Turn signals Integrated. Front ( on both sides of the cuffs), and also back.
- Traction Control System (TCS).Another technological innovation from Segway, which increases traction on slippery floors.
- 10" Self-healing tires.These are new tubeless tires, coated with a gel that "self-repairs" small punctures.
- New and powerful electronic horn, with push button electronic button. It also acts as an anti-theft alarm, emitting audible warnings. The alarm is controlled from the App.
- Safe Braking System. Able to stop the scooter in just 2.6 m at 20 km/h.
- The Best App to Control the Scooter.The new Segway® App is wonderful, super complete, and it also works perfectly. Not in vain does this powerful multinational have the best developers.
- New function to locate the Scooter thanks to the integration with Apple FindMy.You just have to pair your electric scooter with the Segway-Ninebot application and enable the FindMy app. And you can now locate it by GPS at any time.
- Brand of Recognized Prestige and World Leader in the Sector.This offers us extra confidence and security when choosing one of their products. It also has a very extensive catalog of spare parts and accessories from the brand itself, which can be easily purchased anywhere. And we won't have to be worried if it breaks within a while and we can't find parts and/or technical services to repair it.
- Price Range: €650-800
An Ultra Powerful and Ultra Attractive Xiaomi
It's very powerful, it's very comfortable, and it's very attractive. Xiaomi's new top of the range raises the bar compared to all its predecessors, incorporating many new features, which finally place it as a "real scooter".
- More Power than ever!New Motor with 500W nominal power and 940W. With this Xiaomi you will have a lot of fun when you activate the Sport+ Mode which allows you to quickly release power. It only takes about 4 seconds to accelerate to 25 km/h.
- Double Arm Suspension, which allows a very smooth ride. In addition, this design enhances the avant-garde aesthetics of this scooter.
- High Perfomence 12 Ah Battery (12,000 mAh).With this capacity it can offer a real range of 45-50 km of autonomy.
- New 10" Duragel Tires. Like the Max G2, these tires are self-sealing.
- New Design, Bigger and More Comfortable.The Xiaomi 4 Ultra has "grown" in every way compared to its predecessors. It now has a wider and longer platform, which greatly increases comfort. And it also has a handlebar located higher and wider. Gaining a lot in ergonomics.
- New Frame, higher quality and more resistant.The entire chassis has been modified with one made of a better aluminum alloy (more resistant). Thanks to this, it now allows a dynamic load of up to 120 kg of weight.
- Recognized Brand.As in the case of Segway, and despite the fact that it is located in a slightly higher category, Xiaomi has always been characterized by having an almost unbeatable quality/price. In addition, it also has a wide catalog of spare parts (original and compatible) and an endless number of accessories. What do we need someone to repair for us? There is no workshop in Spain that does not repair Xiaomi scooters. Even you could do it yourself with the thousands of YouTube tutorials.
- Price Range:€650-800
The Scooter with the Best Quality - Price
It is almost identical in terms of technical specifications to its "big brother" the MAX G2, at a more competitive price. The main difference, in addition to the design, lies in the battery and the suspensions, being surpassed in both sections by this one.
- Powerful Motor with 450 W Nominal Power and 900W Maximum Power.Rear wheel drive. It surpasses its predecessors in power, and allows you to climb slopes of 22%. Furthermore, if you activate the Sport driving mode, it is capable of offering incredible acceleration: it reaches 20 km/h in just 4.1 seconds.
- 12.8 Ah (12,800 mAh) battery with a range of 50 km.
- Front Suspension,spring.
- Turn signals Integrated.Front (on both sides of the fists), and also the rear.
- Traction Control System (TCS).Another technological innovation from Segway, which increases traction on slippery floors.
- Self-healing 10" tires. These are new tubeless tires, coated with a gel that "self-heals." repairs small punctures.
- New and powerful electronic horn,with electronic button pusher. It also acts as an anti-theft alarm, emitting audible warnings. The alarm is controlled from the App.
- Double Brake System.Disc front wheel, and electronic rear brake.
- The Best App to Control the Scooter.The new Segway® App is wonderful, super complete, and it also works perfectly. Not in vain does this powerful multinational have the best developers.
- New function to locate the Scooter thanks to the integration with Apple FindMy.You just have to pair your electric scooter with the Segway-Ninebot application and enable the FindMy app. And you can now locate it by GPS at any time.
- Brand of Recognized Prestige and World Leader in the Sector
- Price Range: €530 - €600
The New K2 PRO comes "Vitaminated" to the max
It is a fairly round scooter in all aspects, and it has everything to be in this ranking. What stands out most: its excellent Weight-Power-Reach ratio. It also comes very well equipped.
- New More Powerful Enginethan the previous version of the K2. Now it offers an extraordinary power of 900W Nominal Power, and a maximum power of 1000W.
- Range of up to 60 km,thanks to the new 15 Ah battery.
- Front indicators incorporated into the handles and rear onesin the back
- Braking System with Triple braking:Front disc brake, rear disc brake and regenerative braking.
- Very well equipped:Front and rear suspensions, Mobile App and Electronic Horn.
- Light weight of 22 Kg
- Price Range: €850-900
The Best of the Cheap
Although it is less powerful than the rest, it has enough power to move well through more or less flat cities. What else. We like: its "feather" weight of 12.60 Kg, and the design: the combination gives it a modern touch. It is also quite well equipped for its price.
- 350W Nominal Power and 400W Maximum Power Motor.
- Available with 8 Ah and 10 Ah batteries.That is, about 30 km of autonomy with the 8 Ah, and up to 40 km with the 10 Ah.
- Braking System with Triple braking:Front disc brake, rear disc brake and regenerative braking.
- Very well equipped:Front and rear suspensions, Mobile App and Electronic Horn.
- Ultra light weight of 12.60 Kg
- Price Range: €350-400
We observe with satisfaction that popular brands such as Segway-Ninebot and Xiaomi are developing new models that surpass their predecessors in power, quality and performance. In the case of Segway we are less surprised, because it has a simply spectacular range of premium scooters (the downside is that none of the premium range is approved), and in the case of Xiaomi the launch of the Xiami has been a real and pleasant surprise. 4 Ultra. As for the "national brands" (remember that they are not manufacturers, they import from China and put their brand on them, like 98% of international brands do), they are also improving, and they need to take a step forward in terms of design is concerned. That is, if you buy a "standard" model from a Chinese manufacturer that is designed by the same manufacturer and manufactured in series for all its clients, and you do not provide any degree of personalization to your products (except color combinations and logos) , you do not provide the same value that you would provide by designing and outsourcing production (this is what Apple does, it designs in California, it manufactures in China).
And finally a couple of tips that will help you: if you want a "decent" scooter, spend a little money. Below €500 there are few that have a minimum of acceptable quality, because just a decent battery would take up the entire budget. And the other advice is that you always buy from recognized brands, that are well established and it is easy to find replacement parts. Because most brands disappear over time, while new ones appear, and it is a shame that after 3 years you have to throw away a €600-€800 scooter because you can't find a motor controller or a compatible battery. .
December 29, 2024
Thanks this website has helped a lot